nrc article layout on mobile

The brief

For an update to the article layout, without dubt the most important page for NRC, I switched from different article templates to a component based system. Allowing to mix and match every element and option for any article a journalist would like to write. This would open up enormous amount of options.

Since typography was an essential part of the experience and a major element in the NRC branding, we created an extensive typography scale set, consisting of headings, body text and meta text.

nrc article layout total on both desktop and mobile


For the article we setup a new series of foundations that will in time replace the old foundations for the entire platform. We introduced a responsive type scale and we set up new color variables, cleaning up the entire code base.

typescale example for NRC article


Headers play an important role in the identity of an NRC article. Sine NRC produces a lot of different types of content we also introduced a wide variety of headers. All with specific use cases and cumstomizable options.

nrc article newsheader default
News header
nrc article newsheader opinion
Opinion header
nrc article portrait header
Portrait header
nrc article podcast header
Podcast header
Liveblog components

Liveblogging is an important type of content. And a very flexible form of content, very much dictated by the urgency of the news.

NRC liveblog header
Liveblog header
NRC liveblog update design
Liveblog post
Article elements

All elements come with styling options. Editors can style the elements in Gutenberg in a WYIWYG way so it's easy to style the article they're working on.

NRC listicle design
Listicle card
NRC article components design